Four Pillar Society Application


Your Information
Please answer yes/no to the following questions:
Short Answer
Essay Section
Please answer the following questions. Responses should be limited to 500 words each.
One reference from a current GGC faculty, staff, administration, or organization advisor is required. Please provide the name, email, phone number, and position of reference and that individual will be contacted by Advancement staff.
Please read the statement below, "sign" and date.
If chosen as a member of the Four Pillar Society, I will, to the best of my ability, represent Georgia Gwinnett College with respect and dignity. I will uphold the reputation of the Four Pillar Society and my College, and strive to be a role model for all.
I agree to have the Office of Advancement verify my GPA, academic standing, and judicial record. I certify that all of the information given is accurate, to the best of my knowledge. I fully understand the expectations and position description of the Four Pillar Society.